- annual profit
- ежегодный доход
English-russian accounting dictionary. 2014.
English-russian accounting dictionary. 2014.
profit — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ big, considerable, decent, enormous, fat, good, greater, handsome, healthy, hefty, high … Collocations dictionary
Profit — A financial benefit that is realized when the amount of revenue gained from a business activity exceeds the expenses, costs and taxes needed to sustain the activity. Any profit that is gained goes to the business s owners, who may or may not… … Investment dictionary
Annual giving — is one of the most important areas in an organization’s fundraising efforts. Annual giving consists of many separate solicitation vehicles. When these vehicles are assembled together with skill, they can form the foundation of the institution’s… … Wikipedia
Profit — (von lat. profectus „Fortgang, Zunahme, Vorteil“ / Aussprache: [pʀoˈfit]) bezeichnet den Gewinn, d.h. den Überschuss, welcher nach Abzug der Kosten der eingesetzten Mittel von einem Unternehmen, bzw. Unternehmer erzielt wird. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 … Deutsch Wikipedia
annual report — annual re·port n: a written report distributed to shareholders each year by a corporation that sets forth financial information (as an auditor s report, the selling prices of the corporation s stock, and the yearly profit) as well as statements… … Law dictionary
annual — an‧nu‧al [ˈænjuəl] adjective 1. annual events happen once a year: • Shareholders can vote at the annual meeting. • an annual audit see also semi annual 2. ACCOUNTING calculated over a period of a year … Financial and business terms
annual earnings — ➔ earnings * * * annual earnings UK US noun [plural] ► ACCOUNTING the amount of profit that a company or person makes in a year: »A very common measure of performance is EPS (earnings per share), which divides total annual earnings by the number… … Financial and business terms
annual loss — ➔ loss * * * annual loss UK US noun [C] ACCOUNTING ► a loss over a whole year of a company s accounts, even if a profit was made during some parts of the year: »The company reported an annual loss of $48.3 million in 2010 … Financial and business terms
annual accounts — annual report; = report and accounts The financial statements of an organization, generally published annually. In the UK, incorporated bodies have a legal obligation to publish annual accounts and file them at Companies House. Annual accounts… … Accounting dictionary
annual accounts — annual report; report and accounts The financial statements of an organization, generally published annually. In the UK, incorporated bodies have a legal obligation to publish annual accounts and file them at Companies House. Annual accounts… … Big dictionary of business and management
annual accounts — plural noun A company s yearly financial statements, incl profit and loss account, balance sheet, cash flow statement and notes • • • Main Entry: ↑annual … Useful english dictionary